When one year comes to a close and a new one stretches out before you, it’s nice to reflect on what is past and peer hopefully into the still-unknown future… wouldn’t you agree?
I just spent some time looking through old pictures and blog posts from the whole of 2014, and it was crazy to think of how much has changed in only one year. Big things. Living in Italy… my photography… friends… family...travel… ME. And as crazy and scary as life can be sometimes, I am simply beside myself with excitement for the year to come, because it feels like a fresh chance. I know that’s mainly a mental thing, but who cares?
2015… Such high hopes I have for you! Not because I’m being unrealistic and I think that THIS year will be the one where I actually keep all my resolutions. But because I’m finally really starting to understand myself, and I’m discovering passions I didn’t even know I had, and I’m feeling ready to make stuff happen.
So basically, that’s my resolution this year. My mantra, if you will. Make stuff happen. A little less wishing and hoping and thinking and a little more acting and doing and creating.
We’re all on our own journey here, and yours will likely look different than mine. But I hope you’re going into 2015 with a similar mindset: it’s gonna be great, because we’re gonna make it great.
I really enjoy looking back on my posts on my own blog, and hopefully some of you may enjoy peeking back in time a bit, too, whether for the first time or for the second.
Let's take a little trip down memory lane and revisit some favorite moments from 2014…
That time I threw myself off the side of a mountain, tossed my coin in the Trevi Fountain, and ate gelato like it was my job.
Visited the fairy-tale city of Prague, spent 3 hours in the Milan police station, and was visited by a friend from home!
Had an unforgettable spring break in Greece, took weekends trip to Southern Italy, the Cinque Terre, and Tuscany.
Traveled to Croatia and Bosnia in the same weekend, was visited by another friend from home, started a 3-week long backpacking trip in Ireland and ended the month with a One Direction concert.
Continued backpacking, making stops in Scotland and France, was reunited with my family in Zurich, Switzerland, relaxed by the waters of Lake Como, made one last stop in Florence to show the family my newfound home, traveled back to the states and was surprised at the airport by my best friend.
Dealt with reverse-culture shock by taking a two weekend trips to Minneapolis in the same month.
Celebrated the bestie's birthday, and started back at school again.
A month of various shoots and creative projects.
Celebrated my birthday, reveled in the Fall season, and traveled to Seattle.
A month of reflection and Starbucks holiday drinks. :)
Thanks for traveling back in time with me today... have a wonderful last day of 2014!