Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

Wild and Wonderful Scotland

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hey there, this is Meghan! 
I am here to narrate the wonderful country of Scotland, the second stop on our adventure this month. 

About a year and a half ago, I sat next to Bri on a flight to Scotland. After falling in love with the country, we both absolutely wanted (closer to needed) to go back. We decided to start in Edinburgh, not quite knowing what to expect in the city.

 Quickly, we both agreed we felt like we were in a Potter novel. The castle! The winding streets! The cozy pubs! Sadly we did not run into famous wizards, but we did however get to see where JK sat to create the novels we've read and reread and reread!

 We weaved through bookstores, chatted with a cheesemonger, and of course sampled the famous whisky, haggis (vegetarian haggis that is), and sticky toffee pudding of the region. 

We walked up Calton Hill and climbed up Arthurs seat for the best views of the city.

 Next we craved the Highlands, where we explored Scotland on out last trip. The first glimpse of Loch Lomond confirmed my memory. Scotland is still the most beautiful place I have ever had the chance to see, the most beautiful spot I have ever been blessed to stand. 

Scotland is wild and wonderful and will forever be in my heart.  

Also, there is nothing quite like not being able to understand someone speaking in your own language...  But not to worry, you can always smile and nod and try to throw in a cheers! 



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