Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

A Thanksgiving Photo Shoot

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Good evening to you and a happy Thanksgiving!  
  With the exception of Christmas, Thanksgiving is a day I look forward to all year.
 I love it because it's pretty much an excuse to spend the entire day with family and eat a whole lot of really yummy food without feeling guilty. These are two things our culture does not do enough of!

My day began with a Starbucks run (naturally), then on to doing puzzles with grandma, eating more food than I'd like to admit, doing a little photo shoot with the sis, making a trip to the movies and ending with a little early Black Friday shopping!

Here's a little look into the shoot I did with my younger sister, Kara. 
How gorgeous is she?!

I hope your day was spent surrounded by those you love and filled with delicious food!

Good night,

P.S. Let the countdown to Christmas begin! 

The Walking In Between

Monday, November 4, 2013

This past Friday, a couple others and I took a road trip down to the cities to see an amazing Singer/Songwriter, Ben Rector, at the Varsity Theater.

This concert was just hands down incredible. From the music, to the lighting, to the funny jokes. It had it all. At times the audience would be jumping out of their seats and dancing to an upbeat song, and others it would be completely still listening to just Ben and the piano in quiet enjoyment. 

Ben genuinely cares that everyone has the best time possible and gets the audience to sing and dance and be involved. He really makes you feel like you get a sense of what a good, down to earth, funny guy he is. The way he puts on a concert makes it feel very personal and fun and like he's just a friend of yours coming to hang out.

Seeing him perform draws you into his excitement and frankly, just your own sense of pure joy. Early on in the show, he took a moment to stop and stare around the holy auditorium, which caused his audience to be drawn into the moment he was experiencing. He called for the house lights to be brought up so he could see the equally excited faces around him. 

At the end of the show, we stuck around for a while and had the opportunity to meet Ben! He was so sincere in taking the time to talk with each of us on a personal level verses just saying hello and getting an autograph. 

I leave you with one of my favorite Ben Rector lyrics. If you haven't had the chance to listen to his music, what are you waiting for?! 

 "Life is not the mountain tops, it's the walking in between."

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