Awaking this morning,
I am hit with the sudden realization that my life is about to be turned upside
down. In a mere 5 hours, I will be boarding a plane bound for Italy; my new
home for the next four months.
I turn on Mike
Dignams’ song, Great Escape, as I get
ready for the day.
The lyrics echo my
inner thoughts.
So I'm gonna pack my things and go,
travel the world before I'm old.
I'll send you photos in the post,
to capture the moments I love the most.
Bags packed, passport
in hand, and one more goodbye said to my pets then it’s off to the airport.
Hugs and goodbyes to loved ones are exchanged before I make my way through airport security, an obligatory stop for coffee, and finally to my terminal.
I want to climb up mountains,
drink from natures fountain,
who knows what I'll do on my way.
Hugs and goodbyes to loved ones are exchanged before I make my way through airport security, an obligatory stop for coffee, and finally to my terminal.
Find love in a different language,
Who knows who I'll meet on my way.
“We are now
boarding passengers seated in zone 2,” a voice announces overhead.
erupt in my stomach as I stride down the jetway.
Seated by the window, I glance out at the familiar
terrain before me; the plane begins to rev up its’ engine as it moves towards
the runway.
I'm sure this is what I needed,
to roam, be completely free.
Then, there it is; the
moment the wheels of the plane leave the ground. My stomach drops. I close my
eyes. My journey has begun; I’m finally on my way.
This is my great escape.
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