Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

Soundtrack Of My Life

Monday, December 22, 2014

Music speaks to me like nothing else, and really does define certain periods of my life. I decided to come up with five songs that are important to me or ones that bring back significant memories. As I was writing this post, I found myself reliving so many different parts of my life... opening old wounds, feeling old pains and pleasures, if you will. I can close my eyes, turn on any one of these songs, and be instantly transported to a place in my past...

1. What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.  
I used to be obsessed with this song in high school...okay let's be honest, I'm still obsessed with it!

2. Keep Your Eyes Open by Needtobreathe. 
At a time in my life when I was going through some personal struggles, this song was a constant reminder to keep trudging through the difficult days. Seriously..if you haven't listened to it, I strongly urge you to!

3. Lovers' Eyes by Mumford & Sons. 
This song (and any other song by Mumford) brings me straight back to the time I spent a week hiking the West Highland Way in Scotland. 

4. Kiss the Rain by Thriving Ivory
This song instantly transports me to summer weekends spent at my family friends cabin; campfires, tubing, square-ball, card games…

5. Great Escape by Mike Dignam
Everything about this song represents what I was feeling and thinking before I left for my semester abroad. It reminds me of who I was then and who I am now.  

And I know I said only five... but here's a few bonus tracks - songs I'm currently obsessed with and know will come to define this current time in my life.

6. Heartbeat by Mat Kearney.
This is simply a feel-good song that just makes me want to get up and dance! 

7. Seeing Stars by BØRNS.
I only recently discovered this artist and am already in LOVE. He is a dreamy blend of folk, glam and electro rock. Make sure to check him out!  

8. We Are Done by The Madden Brothers.
This song is an awesome "belt in the car or shower" kind of song.

Happy Monday! Only 2 days until Christmas!


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