Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

Seeking Adventure in Scotland

Thursday, April 4, 2013

This past fall, I had the opportunity to travel abroad for the first time. Our group voyaged to Scotland to hike the West Highland Way, a 96 mile trek along side rolling hills, towering mountains, dense woodland and deep Lochs (lakes).

Top of Conic Hill overlooking Loch Lomond

 I distinctly remember feeling a sense of admiration during my time in Scotland. My eyes were all of wide with wonder as they kept discovering new sights never seen before. My ears felt rich with diverse languages and accents being conversed around me. The feeling of being a foreigner in a land I’ve never been was such a humbling experience. 

Beginning of the West Highland Way

Hiking the highlands only intensified that feeling. For once, I felt like a true traveler, wandering uncharted territory. Our journey began in Milngavie, a small town just outside Glasgow and ended in Fort Williams, a bustling settlement in the Highlands of Scotland. 

Highland Hikers

Our days ranged from 9-19 miles of hiking from one bed and breakfast to the next.
Nights were spend relaxing in the pubs, where we mingled with the locals and even got a private bagpipe show from a Scottish pub owner named Stuart.

Top of Devil's Staircase

The most anticipated stage of the West Highland Way occurred on one of our last hiking days. The Devil's Staircase begins with a steep climb leading up and out of majestic Glen Coe, one of Scotland’s iconic Highlands valleys, followed by a long descent to the town of Kinlochieven.

"On the Bonnie Bonnie banks of Loch Lomond."

Traveling to Scotland, and hiking the West Highland Way very much deepened my curiosity to see and experience the rest of the world. I highly recommend anyone to take this trek or a section of it at the least! 
If you have any further questions about my journey, don't hesitate to ask!


  1. Wow, the pictures of your West Highland Way hike look so magical and beautiful! Sounds like a great way to explore a different country too.

    1. Hey Ella-Lauren!
      Thanks for the comment. Being able to hike through Scotland was such an amazing way to see the country. I felt like I was able to see the country from a whole different perspective than if we would have driven everywhere. I highly recommend it! (:


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