Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

Awake My Soul

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

 I have always been in love with songs that have meaningful lyrics—lyrics which have the capacity to stop you in your tracks and make you think of things in a way you never thought before

Of course, there are also instances when all I want to do is jump around the house, dancing to my favorite catchy tunes and singing into a spatula. I am proud to say this is a regular occurrence.

My favorite band to do this to you may ask? Two words.
One Direction. 
What Makes You Beautiful to be exact.

On the other hand, when I'm in the mood for some music with thought-provoking lyrics, my go-to is always Mumford and Sons.

If you have not yet listened to Mumford, let me share why I love them so much.

Think of the best thing you've ever eaten, the most amazing flower you've ever smelled, the most comforting hug you've ever gotten.
Mumford is all the above rolled into a folk/rock band with four incredibly handsome English men.
Doesn't get much better than that does it?


If you have ever taken the time to truly listened to their songs, you will understand why they continually leave me at a loss for words. The depth of their music, lyrics and vocals; they're like nothing I've ever heard before. 

Here are two of my favorite lines from Mumford songs...

                                  Awake My Soul                                      After the Storm

What is your favorite Mumford song? 


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