Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee


Friday, April 12, 2013

I have been officially accepted to study abroad next spring in Florence, Italy!
I will be studying art and graphic design in the heart of florence at an international school called Lorenzo de' Medici.

I cannot explain how excited I am!
Here's what I'm looking forward to...

1. Being fully immersed in the Italian lifestyle and learning to live like the locals.

2. Witnessing majestic sights of places I've only dreamed about.

3. Eating Italian food and wine. (Hopefully visiting some vineyards as well!)

4. Not only learning about art, but being surrounded by what I'll be studying.

The famous art museum, Galleria degli Uffizi, is home to works from artists like 
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

5. Having the opportunity to travel other countries.

6. Having my best friend, Meghan, there studying with me.

7. My family coming to visit!

Updates on the specifics of what I'll be doing and studying are coming...

I am so excited to share my experiences abroad with you!



  1. Congratulations!! You are undoubtedly going to have a fantastic time, especially since you'll have your best friend there with ya. Now the only hard part will be waiting until next spring LOL ;)

    So any other vacations or short trips planned in between now and then?

    1. Thank you!! I am beyond excited, but the waiting is going to be difficult!
      So far all I've got planned until my abroad trip is New York City in June! I will definitely be posting about it so keep an eye out (:


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