When the travel bug bit me years ago, it bit hard and never let go.This feeling is like an all-consuming metaphorical wave that invades your being, coating each and every cell and nerve and every electrical impulse flowing through your body with this resolute desire. To backpack across Europe. To camp out under the stars in Montana. To ride around Italy on a mint green moped and eat pizza, lots of pizza.
Sometimes, I am overcome with this sudden desire to stop whatever it is I am doing, drive to the airport, and buy a ticket for a destination chosen by a game of 'Eeanie meanie miney mo'.
And while my next destination wasn't picked by playing some childhood game, the plane tickets have been bought and the countdown has begun.
To where you may ask? I'll give you a few hints.
Lots of rain, coffee and mountainous backdrops.
Also known as the city that gave Starbucks life…
In a little over a month, I will be traveling to Washington to visit my one of my best friends, Meghan, who recently moved out there for school. Seattle has been on my "must visit" list for quite sometime now, so a big thank you to Meghan for finally giving me an excuse to go!
Only 40 days! But who's counting?
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