Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

I believe in a cup of coffee...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I believe in a cup of coffee. Perhaps it is the rich aroma or even just the complete joy of the dark drink filling your body with an enjoyable warmth. I love that in the morning I can always look forward to starting off my day happily with a nice hot cup of coffee. I love that even if everything in my day is going wrong, the coffee is somehow the one thing that goes completely right. And even though I could go on and on about my fondness for the drink itself, (I am completely guilty of this fact), what I love most are the conversations shared over a cup of coffee. 

Happy Sunday!


  1. Brianne! I agree 100% with you. I believe its one thing we should treat ourselves with every day! It's my jump start for the day.


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