Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

As I was sitting with my cup of coffee this morning, doing some photo editing on a shoot I did yesterday, it finally hit me that I would be leaving for school in a week. I'm not quite sure why it hit me at that moment, but I guess coffee brings out the nostalgic side of me! Any-who, I realized just how many big changes are coming up for me. Soon I'll be moving back to school, then back home for a bit when the semester is over, then all the way to Italy for a semester. I am so grateful for the opportunities ahead of me, but it's also a little scary! 

"Coffee solves everything."
To be honest, I used to hate change. I was someone who always wanted things (and people) to stay just the way they were. Nevertheless, I am starting to welcome change and believe it can be good for a person. It gives us the chance to grow as people and experience the wholeness of life. Transitions put us in new places in our lives where we can experience a great amount personal growth. Life experiences build our character and define who we are. It can open new chapters in our lives and create memories and experiences that we'll never forget.

So don't be afraid of change. 
Welcome it, embrace it and enjoy all it has to offer you.


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