Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

Go ahead; treat yourself.

Monday, August 5, 2013

I’m a strong believer in the importance of appreciating the little things in life. 
It can easily turn an ordinary day into something special.

Sometimes, I think we tend to put others before ourselves. And while there is certainly nothing wrong with that, we need to remember to do things that make ourselves happy too! That being said, treating yourself every now and then is a wonderful thing and will leaving you feeling happy and content.

My challenge for you this week; find little ways to treat yourself.

One:: Go ahead, order that sugar-filled drink from your favorite coffee shop.
Don’t worry about its’ calorie or fat content!

Two:: Chocolate for breakfast? You betcha!

Three:: Pour yourself a glass of wine and settle in to watch hours of your favorite TV show. 
My current favorite: The Vampire Diaries

Four:: Buy yourself that thing you want but are always putting off. 
Just do it and don't feel guilty. You earned it.
(Still saving up for a new one of these!)

Five:: Take a spontaneous day or weekend trip!
My favorite getaway: Minneapolis.

Six::Treat yourself to some new music! 
Currently loving...

                     Midnight Cinema                           Ben Rector                         Brendan James

Seven:: Spend time outside. It's August, which means our warm, sunny days will soon be coming to an end. Enjoy it! 

Have a great week!


  1. Hello lovely! Miss you babe!

    1. Miss you too M! Only a few short weeks until we get to be roomies again!


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