Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

I want to be apart of it...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New York, New York!
It's official, only 74 days until my best friend, Meghan, and I venture to NYC.
Words cannot even begin to describe the kind of excitement I'm feeling.
It's hard to believe we first began planning this trip as only freshman in high school!
Now, 4 years later, it's actually going to happen.

Here's a little peak into our NYC bucket list...

The Lion King on Broadway
Top of the Rock
Strolling in Central Park
5th Ave
Grand Central Station
Swan Lake at the American Ballet Theatre
Stopping at quaint little coffee shops and used bookstores
The MoMa and Guggenheim Museum
Times Square
Brooklyn Bridge
New York Public Library

And more...  Any other suggestions?

I can't wait to share stories and pictures of our first experience in the big apple.
It's sure to be quite the adventure!


  1. I'm so jealous! You are going to have a blast - there's nothing like NYC - I miss it so much! If you're looking for an amazing pizza place, go to No. 28 in the West Village - it's on Carmine Street and it's the. best. The farmer's market in Union Square is also fun if you have time. Can't wait to see pictures!

    1. Tess, thanks so much for the suggestions! We will definitely have to hit up those places. What's your favorite thing about NYC? (If it's even possible to pick just one!)
      Can't wait to share pictures! (:

  2. Go see the 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center Plaza , Empire State Building, take a ride on the Circle Line(boat) and see the city from the water, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island (but check first if they are open - I think they were closed temporarily due to the Hurricane Sandy impact) - also, you get to both of them by ferry,
    go to Liberty State Park (in New Jersey)-to get a good view of the city - the pier at Liberty State Park is across the Hudson River from the new World Trade Building

    1. Cathy, thanks for the suggestions! Will will definitely have to check all those places out. Can't wait to share my experiences in NYC with you!


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