The more I travel, the more I am coming to terms with the fact that I don’t truly care about how many countries or continents I go to anymore. I don’t care where I go next year or five years from now.
What I care about is that I go.
What I care about is that I go.
And it’s that that I care about for others. It doesn’t matter where you go, how you get there, and what you do when you arrive. What matters is that you go. Because no matter where I travel to, I always come back a better person than who I left as.
Spending a month in South Africa only continued to reaffirm that, as that was easily one of my top five favorite travel adventures, and it really had so little to do with the destination itself – the beaches, landmarks, restaurants, and so on – but rather the people and unique, personal experiences that were involved with it from the time I walked out of my house to the time I walked back in.
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