Photography by Brianne Lee

Photography by Brianne Lee

Follow Your Nose!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

One of the perks of living here is you get to unfold all the little secrets that Florence has to offer.  Every day is a mystery to solve!  I’ll let you in on a little secret I have just recently discovered. 

Two words…Secret. Bakeries.

If you've spent any length of time in Florence you've probably heard the whisperings about the secret bakeries. The night bakeries are not “secret” in the sense that they are unknown. Instead, it is their location that makes them secret, tucked away into the maze of streets. They are inconspicuous and hard to find. Without a doubt, the best way to find them is to follow your nose.

 It wasn’t until this past weekend that we found the secret bakery. A good friend of mine from high school, Heidi, is currently studying abroad in Bulgaria. This week, her and two of her friends made the trek to Italy for their spring break and decided to spend a couple days here in Florence! It was so wonderful seeing a familiar face and being able to show them around this city.

 While out late one night, we had the cravings for a late night indulgence! Suddenly, we were struck by a delicious savory scent emanating from a back alley. We followed the scent to the source where we encountered another group of people standing in front of a glass door.

An Italian man emerged in a white baker’s apron. The people in front of us handed him a couple Euros in exchange for three large white bags filled with pastries. When it was my turn, I asked the baker for “something with chocolate.” In exchange for one euro, I received a warm croissant with a gooey nutella filling. It was so delicious that Heidi and I may or may not have gone up for seconds…or thirds. (:

Nighttime snacking lacks in Florence, since most places close by 10pm. Therefore, finding one of these “secret bakeries” feels not only like an accomplishment, but a delicious chocolate-filled nighttime adventure!


  1. I know it's funny. I and my friends often did it during our summer holiday at the Isle of Elba (by the way, go and see it!). But honestly more than "nighttime snacking" it should be called "early-bird snacking" :-)


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