Sometimes, the anticipation of something wonderful is even better than the thing itself. Sometimes, the anticipation is everything, the only thing, and when you arrive to whatever you've been awaiting, it's a bit of a letdown...not quite what you'd had in mind, not quite what you'd expected or imagined it would be.
See, I'd hoped for something sort of remarkable, something
bordering...if only slightly...on magic. And that's what I got, what I'm still in the midst of. (I thank Disneyland for the magic part. They don't call it the happiest place on Earth for nothing!)
All of this is to say that I apologize in advance for the inevitable
gushing I'll be doing for a while. It's just that February was a bit
gloomy. And that melancholy, it lingered for a while when March rolled around,
threatening to last straight through to April. But this lovely little recess
from it all has saved me, leaving me absolutely smitten.